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First time

Welcome, you are in the right place!

My biggest passion, is to help first time buyers to navigate the sometimes chaotic real estate market. There are so many things I wish I had known when I purchased my first house, 22 years ago and I want to teach you so you will not make the same mistakes I did.


Many realtors are just about the transaction. I am here about my clients. I want to make sure you have the most informed and stress free transaction, and if I can save you some money along the way by avoiding some common mistakes, I know I fulfilled my role in your house buying process.


I provide a seminar on home purchasing to every first time home buyer I work with. In this seminar, you will learn about the following topics, and many more:​

  • What does a home buying transaction include? You will learn about the different professionals that are included in a typical real estate transaction, from brokers to lenders to title company officers.

  • What is the right way to set a budget for a new house without entering into an obligation that will be hard for you.

  • What types of loans exist and how to play your cards right so you will get the best loan for your situation

  • When looking for a house, what are the most important things you should take into account (like schools, neighborhoods, etc..)

  • How to research the right location that best suits your needs?

  • What are the top 5 things that will make a house the best choice for you?

  • What are the things that you must look at when visiting a potential house?

  • How can you save money during the process of house hunting and buying?

  • And if you are coming from outside the US, what are the differences in the system compares to your previous place of residence?

Once we start working on finding your new house, I am always by your side, ready to protect your rights, your interest and your hard earned money.

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